Exquisite, What! is a group of people assembling an evolving music/visual piece, divided into different scenes: each collaborator adding to a composition in sequence…
“Exquisite, What!” is taking shape thanks to the wonderful artists involved, Barbara
E.W. means to be a sort of open source project in progress that follows the surrealits method of “Exquisite Corpse”. A practice in which different people write in turn on a sheet of paper, fold it to conceal part of the poem, and then pass it to the next “artist” for a further contribution. This method we borrow to create something together, substituting words with music and images; each artist involved producing a part, in turn, and passing it to the next artist who will continue the piece mixing his contribution to the end of the previous idea.
This is the platform where the progresses of the project are visible. Our “grid” being a sort of abstract beehive made of a series of ”rooms”or “scenes”. Each one representing a theme.